Friday, October 27, 2006

Phone Interview

Even though the menisectomy is 2 weeks away, today I had the pre-op phone interview. They ask you a bunch of questions (history of heart disease ? any bad allergies ?) and answer any questions you might have. There were a surprising amount of mental health questions, including asking whether I was depressed as a result of the injury. Some questions I had involved the overall length (1 hour surgery, but 5 hours total), and the anesthesia. I've never had a "general" before and I must admit that even though I want to get this done, I'd be lying if I said the anesthesia didn't make me nervous. Someone else will be pumping drugs into me to force sleep and probably paralysis. Not to mention how much I.V.'s also stink. You get the point. On a lighter note, the nurse commented that I should write "27 SWM seeking SF" on my leg so the surgical nurses will know I'm single and available.

When I was initially evaluated, the doc suspected a torn palpateal tendon, which is in the back and connects to the top of the calf muscle. I'm assuming that a tear would have shown up somewhere, or someone would have told me if I had torn it, but that area is occasionally painful. Perhaps I strained it badly when I tore the cartilage.


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