Saturday, November 04, 2006

Stay the course

As I speculated in the previous post, I'm going to stay put with my scheduled scope procedure next Thursday. It seems like egos started to get punctured, and somehow Dr. Gill in Boston has decided that he will in fact repair the vascular portion of my cartilage if it needs repairing. Dr. Rodeo, the surgeon in New York who recommended Dr. Gill in the first place, assures me that the Patriots man is perfectly capable of doing the procedure. I guess there was a misunderstanding; Dr. Gill wasn't aware that we wanted to take the most aggressive approach. Perhaps the two docs had a conversation I didn't know about (entirely possible), or my dad gave him the guilt trip; who knows. End result - we're in countdown phase to Thursday. My poor father, who has been making all of the phone calls and emails and is a wreck, escaped to The Hamptons for the weekend. I'm focused on the surgery. Let's get it done.

Additionally, the knee itself is getting a little better. I have better range of motion (I can put on socks without pain for the first time in two weeks), and the swelling is down a bit. I'm not sure if this is due to a renewed vigor with the ice pack, or just the natural course of healing. I'm also doing the non weight bearing exercises that Anne recommended; they may be helping too.


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