Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Countdown at Cape Canaveral

Its Tuesday morning and there are a few days left until my scope. MGH has not called yet and told me what time they want me to arrive . . . I think I'm either the AM or the PM shift (hopefully, they don't cram in a midday shift too). I've never been so excited for something that will be so unpleasant.

In other news, the parking lot that I have been parking at spontaneously raised their daily rate to $12.00. I am going to start parking at the $9.00 lot that is further away. There didn't seem to be any rational for the increase; its not as if new property taxes were assessed yesterday. Truth be told, I'm hopeful that if the knee doesn't require repair I can start taking the subway again, because I greatly miss the subway despite the pleasure of getting to work really fast in my car. My car, with its 120,000 miles, did not sign up for this type of labor.

Additionally, today is Election Day. I am a far left liberal politically, and I hope that the Democrats do as well as they can. I did vote for one independent in the local election (Rosemary Macero for Governor's Council), and two members of the Green-Rainbow Party. I can't wait until January when the Congress changes over and Dennis Hastert has to give is position to Nancy Pelosi - a woman (oh no!) !


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