Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Diagnosis

As for the actual condition of my knee, the situation looks good. I said in a previous post that the MRI radiologist had said that I had menisci susceptible to tearing, but as it turned out the condition was called discoid menisci, meaning mine never fully developed and I had extra cartilage. The tear was primarily in this extra portion, so what Dr. Gill did was "saucerize" the meniscus, meaning he trimmed it down so it looked like a normal lateral meniscus, taking most of the torn portion with it. The tear did not extend into the vascular portion, so there was no need for repair. Dr. Gill was very happy, and said he anticipated my "full return to sports." Sounds good to me. My mom chimed in that this might be one time that all of the Tab she drunk while pregnant helped out.

As I am writing this, I am off of the crutches and gingerly walking around. Later today I will take off the dressings, shower & shave. I fully intend to work on Monday, as I have not needed to take a Vicodin in over a day (and not for sleeping last night). I can ride an exercise bicycle on Tuesday at PT for range of motion purposes.


Blogger من said...

Hi there!
I accidently saw ur blog;
and I hope that u get welly soon man.
So u can run all around the world ~ ! :)

6:33 AM  

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