Thursday, December 07, 2006

Halfway Home Doldrums

Today is 4 weeks, which is halfway through the expected 8 week recovery period. I'm a little glum because I'm starting to miss the "joy of running" as Jim Fixx would say, and I didn't perceive a lot of improvement from 3 wks to 4 wks. Anne introduced some more challenging drills, and my knee was creaking and sore all the way home. It is also adjusting to the new weight training which is quite a step up from the drills I was doing from 0-3 weeks. The swelling really hasn't changed in some time. I just have to hang tight, stay in the pack, and we'll be good to go after New Year's.

Additionally, I made the mistake of telling Anne about my blog. Now the entire PT staff at MGH, including Missy the front desk chief, thinks I'm a complete wack-job. Maybe I should keep my blog G rated . . . . or maybe not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your not a wack-job!

8:21 AM  

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