Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Freddie Mercury Likes Bicycles

Yesterday I went to PT and had my first post-op visit. Although there hasn't been any loss in range of motion, there haven't been any gains either - which I guess is all right considering I had knee surgery in between the two appointments. Anne thought I was walking better, and she threw me on the exercise bike, which was pretty bizarre. My knee would not allow for going all the way around, so I just rocked back and forth. Finally, I got it to work going backwards, and then lastly forwards. I pedaled for about 5 minutes, which felt strange and not entirely pleasant. All in all, I'm satisfied with the improvement, although its starting to be less and less each day (more incremental than noticeable). However, I'm peeved because Anne gave me Dr. Gill's protocol which contradicted the post-op instructions that Eileen the recovery nurse gave me. Most notably, the protocol said I should take off the outer bandage immediately for icing, while his recovery instructions did not want me to do this. I didn't take off the bandages, and feel that the ice I used didn't really penetrate. This means that there is swelling in my knee that could have been avoided. On the upside, Anne gave me exercises in the 2-6 week recovery period of the protocol to do now - at only 5 days. This means things are doing well.
This week its been very warm, and I hate seeing everyone out jogging around the neighborhood. However, unlike pre-scope, I know that I'm improving slowly and inexorably, and will be back in action by New Year's Day.


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