Monday, January 08, 2007

Broken Record

First off, this bizarre weather is starting to be a a scary broken record. Yesterday, the Patriots smoked the Jets . . . . and it was 55 degrees out. While my heating bill is about 50% of last year, this global warming issue officially has me scared, mostly because there are so many other problems in the world and I can't stop any of them. I do know that CO2 emissions primarily come from transportation and power generation, which is obtusely related to what I do . . . . but who knows.

My running is a broken record too. Lately, each run consists of 4-5 minute warm-up where my knee feels like complete garbage; it feels like my femur is crunching into the top of my tibia. This resolves itself, and I drop back into a relaxed jog at about 9:15 pace. Hopefully if I'm not limping, my left (good) quad doesn't get tired. at 30-32 minutes I try to run a fast mile, which last night was in 6:59 (thank goodness not 7:01). The swelling in my knee is still preventing me from 100% range-of-motion, and its awkward as well as tiring because I'm 10 pounds heavier and out of shape. I end up with 40 minutes of running, or probably about 4.5 miles. The back of knee continues to be stiff and not fully healed, and I need to do a better job of icing that area. I will talk to Anne about this on Thursday.


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